Data Analytics

Big Data

Machine Learning

AI + Robot

Active Insights for your business.

About us


adders is here to help you navigate the new data driven frontier. Your company's data holds promise for opportunities to bring your business to new heights and we help you harness that value. Our experience and agility in driving value from data makes a difference. We will meet you where you are and provide a path to value and actionable insights in months not years. Contact Us today to learn more.





definition the stages of the engagement with clear goals and timelines.




create a detailed strategy for success. The strategy will serve as the blueprint for the entire engagement with key milestones identified.




We are bred from a culture of measurement so be assured that we will succeed and provide the results we agree upon in each engagement.


1. Artificial Intelligence

We know how to provide active insights for your business.

2. Big Data

Your company's data holds promise for opportunities to bring your business to new heights.

3. Machine Learning

Predictive analytics to transform the way businesses operate.

4. Data Analytics

Provide a path to value and actionable insights in months not years.

5. Business Intelligence

We provide analytics and subject matter experts to provide the best possible outcomes.

6. Business Automation

We have the expertise to help define and drive change to improve their organizations ability to increase revenue.



Navigate the new data driven frontier...

adders is your partner to transform your business through analytics. If you just need to take your organization beyond basic business intelligence or are looking to add machine learning and robotic process automation we are here to help. Our founders have over 50 years combined experience in helping clients transform their businesses.
​ Our consultancy has a global team of data scientists, data architects, application developers, and subject matter experts to drive actionable insights from our client's data. We are platform agnostic and will meet our clients where they are in the process of becoming a data driven culture.
​ We work with partners who can provide the platforms both on premise and in the cloud. We also work with existing environments our client may have in place to help maximize their investment in advanced analytics capabilities.


Markets are in flux and one of the major changes affecting businesses today is the use of predictive analytics to transform the way businesses operate.
The onslaught of new digital businesses and data driven cultures is leaving older established companies with competitive challenges.
At adders we are your strategic partner to bring high value through new revenue and cost savings from your data.

"If you are in the beginning stages of transforming your organization through the use of analytics we are here to help you develop a sound strategy working with your team. We have the experience to help you make the right decisions and to see actionable results in weeks not years"

Get in touch

Contact us today to learn more.
